Why I Do What I Do & Divisions in the Autistic Community
How often do my autistic comrades with less support needs interact with those with more? AND vice versa? How many of you late dx folks identify with those who were dx early? How many of you autistic folks who are Levels 2 & 3 according to the DSM can relate to those who are Level 1? Do you see us as all autistic or something else?

My Appearance on the Autism Stories Podcast
I was invited to be a guest this week on the Autism Stories podcast, only of the #ActuallyAutistic world’s most popular podcasts. Each week the host Doug has on an autistic guest to speak about their experiences, their passions, their lives

My First Autism Blog Post!
I plan on using this space to discuss autism, life skills, my special interests, autism politics, and my thoughts on living as an autistic person in a neurotypical world.